Sunday, February 7, 2021

Lonetree Arch and Kaloko Canyons 2/7/21

 Fast forward past the end of 2020–good riddance. Just at the end of our second big swell of the winter today, and there were still some big bumps rolling through.  It made for some surge at Kaloko, which makes macro shooting fun.

First day in a while diving with Sarah B, on Aquatic Life Divers boat Amelia.  She found a couple of tiny Tom Smith nudies under the Big Arch.

Out on the reef, as we headed up toward Suck 'em up, we found multiple antler coral heads with Leaf Scorpions, one brown, one white and the last one I think was pink.  The brown one was close enough to the outside of the coral that I could get a shot of her.

My favorite fish of the day was at Kaloko, a nice bright yellow young Frogfish.

Among the rest of the cast were a big warty thing crawling along the rocks.  Is it a Spiky Seacucumber?  If so, first one Ive seen.  Also, a Four spot butterfly, a nice Lei Trigger, and a big Yellow Margin eel.

Finally, near the end of the second dive we found a shy Octopus hiding in a crack, with just his little eye poking out to check us out.  And here's Capt Rob helping a diver into the water.


1 comment:

  1. Love your blog posts! I feel like I was there. 👍🏻❤️
