Some dives are pretty barren without a lot of marine life. Shark Alley was like this today. Murky because of the rain runoff. There wes a wire coral Gobie out by the drop off but there was current and I didn't get good enough focus with the 105mm.
The cave was not worth going in; just too murky. There was a shark under the ledge but again not worth trying to get a pic.
But where one dive is not critterful, then ext one is. Eel Cove mooring at Rose Garden. Two jobs: look for Gooseberry the Cowfish, and find the Viper Eel the cove is named after. Both were showing off their best sides!
The rest of the usual suspects were out, including the Raccoons and the Sgt Majors.
But st the end of the dive Kevin found a Trembling nudi that looked like something alien and circular that only looked like a Trembling. But it was just a circular Trembling, maybe a juvenile.
Trembling Nudi |
Arceye hawkfish |
Eight line Wrasse |
Teeny Guard Crab |
Orangespine Unicorn |
Peacock Grouper |
Porcupine Puffer |
Spotte Boxfish |
Spotted Toby |
Jeff, Your pictures are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed diving with you. Patricia