The last two times I've been at Eel Cove the Viper in the pillar inshore from the mooring has been missing. Maybe visiting relatives on Maui? Anyway, s/he's back! But still fooled me by poking out the backdoor of his pillar instead of the front. Before I post the viper pics I need to say I finally got a nice pic of a Bicolor Anthias at Crescent - not out in the clumps of rock on the sand flat but in the reef swimming around at about 70 FSW. More exciting encounters even than those, but here are some pics.
Now for the small kine category, I found a Wire Coral Gobie on a wire coral sticking out from a rock in the reef. On first glance I didn't see it, but repeatedly scanning my light revealed the tiny bump.
Where's Gooseberry? Damfino. We all looked for her but nobody found her. She's been scarce lately.
Anyway, who was home today? Here they are, including as Pencil Wrasse and a Ringtail Wrasse. Great day at both Eel Cove and Crescent.
Blackside Hawkfish |
Cleaning frenzy |
Pencil Wrasse |
Parrot fish |
Ringtail Wrasse |
Spotted boxfish |
White mouth Eel |
That Ringtail Wrasse is so cool! He looks like he would light up the night. All the pictures are wonderful. Looks like a fun day!
Thanks! The strobes really caught the ringtail just right. The Bicolor Anthias was my prize capture of the day.