Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Nudi Tuesday at Golden Arches and Shark Alley 4/27/21

 I have a list of sea creatures that I haven't yet seen, even after 13 years of diving up and down the Kona coast.  On that list is an actual blue Blue Dragon Nudi.  Ive seen a bunch of brown ones, but was today years old when I saw an actual blue one.  Laura found it.  Thanks Laura.  Here are a coupke of shots, first the little guy's head...cute, huh?  Then his articulated body. 

Also, since it was Nudi Tuesday, under the south arch we found plenty of locals out celebrating.  Whtie Margin family and a couple of Gold Lace.  Heading out from the arch there, right where she should be, was a fat Dragon Wrasse wafting around over the sand.

Off we go toward the dropoff.  Lots of Antler Coral and fish, Here are a few Yellow Orange Band Surgeons with Dascillus.

Here are my swim-bys with Guilded Trigger, Shy Octopus, and an adult Orange Band Surgeon.

Crossed paths with a pair of Moorish Idols, and Rob found the big upside down Viper, while a smaller white mouth eel was chilling nearby.  Under an arch a school of Bluestripe Snappers were moving back and forth in formation.

Out by the dropoff we found a little pinnacle with a tunnel through it.  Lots of fish in there, including a Long Jaw Squirrel with a Brick Squirrel and a longnose butterfly photobombing.  Way down in a coral head I found a Spotted Coral Blennie.

Near the end of the dive at Shark Alley Laura found some little dart-like fish that I couldn't ID.  Laura sez they are Juvie Oval Chromis.  

A nice White Tip Reef shark was resting at the end of the alley in the shallow cave.


Other fish I did recognize heading back out toward the mooring were the twin Teardrop Butterflies and a big Yellow margin eel in a hole.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, as always! The little darting fish are juvenile oval chromis, I think. And I’ll pass credit on to Doug for that find.
