Saturday, November 2, 2019

A week of bad photography, but the marine life is great

So there are stretches when you just can't seem to do anything right.  I endure these episodes better now that I view them as just a part of the lunar-like cycle of success/failure, enthusiasm/apathy, etc.

So what, next time hope for better but mostly just show up.

At the end of October I went back to Honaunau Bay to record the bleaching of the plate coral there, as I have for the past three months.  The water this week is two degrees cooler than for the past 8 weeks so I'm hopeful that the severity of decline in reef health will begin to slack off.

Here are some pics from that dive.

Over the next week I dove at Lonetree, Outhouse, Dotties and Golden Arches.  This is when I realized I was in a period of crappy shooting.  Shooting with a challenging lens, the 105 macro, that I've had big success with otherwise, I couldn't find things in the field of view, or there was surge  taking me off the subject, or the camera wasn't working right.  Anyway, I did what I could.

White Margin Nudi

bleached antler coral

Close up Raccoon Butterfly

Nice threat posture: White Mouth Eel

And from Dotties and Golden Arches on 11/1/19
Adult Ornate Wrasse

Common Scrambled Egg nudi


That dive on 11/1 was super fun anyway because of the people on the boat.  Here are two of my favs, Tara and Nick.

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