Camera struggles continued today, as inexplicably at the start of the second dive at Airstation my camera flashes would go off but5 not sync with the camera. After working fine on the first dive at Aquarium.
Power cycle the camera. OK now working. WTF?
Couldn't get a nice White Margin nudi in the middle of Airstation Arch because you are either traveling at 2 knots in one direction through it or the other. But i did get a nice free floating one in Skull Cave after a nice, calm transit through Suck'emup.
Airstation is in Pawai Bay, which is the area we spend a lot of time at during the winter because it is protected from the north swell. There are at least 5 moorings up and down the coast at Pawai, and we took the only unoccupied one: Airstation, named that way because apparently there were at one time in the distant past a couple of scuba tanks lying on the reef.
Dropping into the water our plan was to visit the Lionfish out on the drop off and then go look for wire coral gobies in the pinnacles to the south. Except that was when my strobes decided not to sync with the camera. While I was fiddling with that everyone moved on, and when I looked up I saw bubbles to the south and followed them, only to find that they were from another group and that was when I remembered the dive plan. Of course, by then I was way off in an different area so Headed back toward the boast hoping to run into my lot as they headed south. Sure enough, there were their bubbles heading my way. I turned and caught them as we arrived at the pinnacles. But no wire coral gobies or shrimp, though I have seen both at this spot. So here's what I did find on the reef today.
Black side Hawkfish |
Trumpet fish front end |
Reef Lizard waiting to ambush lunch |
Very large Fried Egg Nudi |
Peacock Flounder eyes |
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