Thursday, November 7, 2019

Puako End of the Road

Time to go look for honu cleaning stations.  Destination: Puako.  I knew where to find one; at House 40, but had also heard there was one at End of the Road.  Well, I've gone left, and straight out at that spot, but never to the north.  So I thought maybe going north might determine whether there is one there or not.  Plus, I was feeling lazy about staging, and House 40 is more difficult to stage for entry because you have to park out on the road.  It's only a short walk, but at EOR you can basically stage at the car and walk into the water.  So that was that.  I Picked up Brent at his house, we loaded his gear, and we were off.

Kohala Divers was out on the mooring with their new boat, and we went right under them as they were dropping divers into the water.  Saw them coming down on us like dementors trailing bubbles.  They ended up not tormenting us, and we slipped out from under them leaving them in our bubbles as we headed north along the fingertips of the rock dikes that extend into the deep and make Puako such an interesting site to explore.

Brent found a cave with a ton of Blue Stripe Snappers and videoed them with his new gopro.  I was looking, unsuccessfully, all day for nudis on the walls.  Did manage to find a couple of different colored Lei Triggers.  I won't talk about the Lagoon Trigger I saw as we were heading in and I'd already folded up my camera.

Shooting today with the 60mm and that is less stressful than the 105mm, which fit my kind of meh mood for the day.  A nice 83 minute dive did wonders for me however.  Here are the few shots I got; I just didn't see much other than the usual suspects.
Oh, no cleaning stations, at least as far north as we were able to go.

Threadfin Butterfly

Lei Trigger 1

Lei Trigger 2

Porcupine Puffer

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