What could have possibly topped Monday's great dives? Well, today's dives!
First, the sheer novelty of visiting as spot I hadn't been to in two years – Shark Alley (Wacky's, Carpenter's) – seemed enough, but the fact that it was so calm that we could visit the inshore labyrinthine Lava tubes and swim throughs; that made it great.
In the bargain Sandy found a Violet Gilled Nudi, which I'd seen only once before. She was looking under rocks for pom pom crabs, which we didn't find, but then this nudi popped up.
That was just the first of a few sightings that alone would have made my day.
But wait; there's more.
Fisrt shot of the day was a Potter's Angel, who was very shy and didn't give another chance at him. And below her are the rest of the fish and invertibrates we saw.
Potters Angel |
Four spot butterfly |
Blackside Hawkfish |
White Mouth Eel that has a huge bite injury |
White Spot Toby |
Mystery Chiton |
Brittle Star |
Lizard on a wall of Sponges |
Painted Frogfish |
Close up |
With Foot |
Porcupine Puffer with teeth |
One of these things is not lke the others |
Sandy's Mystery Worm |
White Margin nudei eating a sponge |
Little Eel in a hole |
Nice Wire Coral, but no Gobie or shrimp |
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