Totally flat ocean in winter in Kona is a rare thing. But when it happens the conditions are as good as it gets. We skated across the glassy ocean surface, heading north to north pine trees. Moored at Golden Arches south mooring, and immediately headed for the dropoff. What we didn't know at the time was the place we were going to see something really big was inshore by the Wall at Suck 'em up. But first things first.
On the way out I swam over a huge Tiger Cowry and when I caught up with the group again Sandy was doing a Dascillus mind meld. Usually the little damsel fishes that hang out in the antler corals are terrotorial and aggressively bark at you to back off. But Sandy stood her water and the Dascillus' calmed right down.
On the way back to the north arch we were accompanied by Orange Spine Unicorns, an Arceye Hawkfish, and found some Blue stripe Snappers under the arch.
BAck to the south arch and Kevin waved at me with the frogfish sign. Wow, a huge maturing Commersons Frogfish. The rest of the cast was out performing too. Scroll dow and see a puffer scraping the ceiling of the south arch and see the cup coral that give Golden Arches its name.
Black Side Hawkfish |
Four Spot Butterfly |
Palenose Parrotfish |
Purcupine puffer and cup coral |
At Suck'em Up we knew we'd have calm conditions and be sble to transit the entire lava tube, rather than turn back at the end, which is a dangerous exit when there is swell and surge. But not today. The White tip Reef shark at the entrance was resting quitely so we didnt get close enough to upset her.
We cruised thru the lava tube and then turned right into Skull Cave. I was hoping for some nudi goodness but didn't see any all day. What we did see, those of us where weren't peering at the wall looking for nudis, was Koie Ray. She swam directly over me and I only saw her when another diver shook my arm and pointed up.
Koie Ray |
Harlequin Shrimp |
Leaf Scorpion |
Orange Band Surgeon |
Palenose Parrot |
Here's a novelty: Sea Cucumber Crab, cradled in Sandy's hand.
Maturing Star Eye Parrot |
Stout Moray |
Raccoon Butterfly |
Pair of Spotted Tobys |
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