First off: at Eel Cove (Fish Bowl) none of the star attractions were home. Gooseberry the Thornback Cowfish and the Viper Eel in the pillar by the mooring were not home. Though Quinn said he saw Gooseberry, so maybe I just looked in the wrong place.
So I focused on who was home, namely, a bunch of Eels, Yellow Margins, Stouts, and White Mouth eels. Who else was home? The big yellow Frogfish at Golden Arches had moved from the east side of South Arch to the west side. Both Kevin and Ty found him there and he was sunning himself up on a ledge at about 20 FSW.
Other critters that were home included a Banded Coral Shrimp and a shy Octopus. You can see his eye peeking out through the hole. A Peacock Grouper was out and showing off.
Peacock Grouper |
Stout Moray |
Yellow Margin looking like a Viper |
Yellow margin in a hole |
Other notable critters today were a Fourspot Butterfly, and a Trumpet fish head, which I had to get a shot of because of Virginia, and, below Ty found a couple of Seastar Shrimp on a star at Golden Arches. I'd never seen this animal before so, great find Ty! Finally, at Eel Cove there was a Supermale Bullethead Parrot cruising around looking for action.
Four spot Butterfly |
Trumpet fish head |
Porcupine Punner |
kPyramid Butterfly |
Seastar Shrimp |
Supermale Bullethead Parrot |
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